Syncomatic - sync files with same name or in stacks
Q What version of Lightroom is required?
- Syncomatic works on all versions of traditional or real Lightroom from version 2 to 13
- It's been tested in Lightroom from versions 6 to and Lightroom Classic 13
- It does not work in the cloud-dependent program that Adobe call "Lightroom"
Q What metadata does Syncomatic copy?
- IPTC fields (title, caption, headline, copyright, etc)
- Keywords
- Ratings, labels
- IPTC Extension fields
Q Does Syncomatic copy Develop settings?
Q What's the problem with cropping?
- Until Lightroom 6 it wasn't possible to sync crops because Adobe didn't allow it
- In Lightroom 6 there is an unofficial method to do so
- This method was added to Syncomatic 2.19 - see this post
- Because it uses undocumented code which I’ve had to figure out, cropping may not be synced correctly in every circumstance, and portrait orientation photos present particular difficulties. I’ll continue to work on this area but I may not be able to help you if it doesn’t sync crops correctly for every photo. Still, the worst that can happen is that it may apply an incorrect crop, or none – which seems preferable to never syncing any crop!
Q What does Syncomatic not copy? And why?
- History steps - not allowed by Adobe's SDK
Q I have items stacked in collections. Why doesn't Syncomatic sync their metadata?
- Lightroom 4 introduced stacking in collections
- But this wasn't included in the SDK (the coding and automation mechanism)