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LRB Portfolio is distrubuted as a Lightroom plugin. Not only does this greatly simplify the installation procedure, but the greater flexibility provided to plugins also allows LRB Portfolio to automatically check for updates each time Lightroom is restarted. Behind the scenes the plugin handles the installation of the Web Engine for you.

Unzip the download. You should now have a web engine called 'LRB Portfolio.lrplugin'.

The plugin is installed via the Lightroom plugin manager.

  1. Move LRB Portfolio.lrplugin to a convenient location of your own choosing.
  2. Open Lightroom's plugin manager from the File menu.
  3. Click the "Add" button.
  4. Browse to the plugin and click "OK" on a Mac or "Add plugin" on a PC.

If you have paid for the web engine you should unlock the trial version using the registration code that you should have received.

  1. Open the plugin manager from the File menu.
  2. Choose "LRB Portfolio" from the list of plugins.
  3. Enter your registation code into the User Registration section

Pricing and Payment

You may download and try the plugin for free, subject to its trial limitations. To unlock the full functionality you will need to purchase a copy.

Payments may be made via Credit Card or PayPal, and are securely processed via our payment partner - Paddle.


Note that VAT will be added for European customers.


US $20.48
UK £15.59
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