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Photo settings viewer

The "Photo settings Viewer" reports your develop adjustments in readable form. No cryptic codes.
When hiding all the defaults, you get a list of the settings you applied.

The report is shown in your default browser, but can also be opened in Excel or Word for further analysis.

When writing an article or blog, one could use the plug-in to show which adjustments were applied to an image.

The plug-in is donation ware.

LightroomStatistics zLightroom plug-in Photo settings viewer


YouTube demo
What problem is solved?
Trial version
How does the plug-in work
Features / options
Use cases
Quick guide
Configuration screen
Sample report

YouTube demo

What problem is solved?

This plug-in allows you to view your develop adjustments outside of Lightroom in readable form.

Trial version

Download the trial version and try for yourself! This version has all the functionality but shows one preset per run.

How does the plug-in work

The "Photo settings Viewer" reads all the develop settings of an image and translates them into a report with the proper descriptions in the language of Lightroom.

This report automatically opens in your default browser (Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, ...) but can also be opened in Excel or Word.

Sample report

You can scroll down through the table.

Features / options

Full width

When "on" the full width of your screen / browser will be used, when "off" the width is set to 1024 pixels.
Default: full width.

Scrollable tables

When selecting this option each table will have the height of the next setting.
Advantage is that if there are many tables, the report will not be so long and it is easier to navigate. Of course all the information is there.
If the table is bigger than the specified height, a scroll bar appears and you can scroll through it.
When "off" the scroll bar disappears and all rows are shown.

See sample report above

Table height in pixels

If you selected the option "Scrollable tables", this option determines the height of a table.
Play around and see what height best fits your screen.

Show internal / technical properties

When looking at a preset "lrtemplate" file, you will see that some develop tools (sliders) are represented by multiple properties. Some are hard to understand.
By default, these are hidden. Selecting this option will list them.
BTW: these settings do not always have a good description.

Show default values

This option determines whether develop settings that still have their default value will be shown.
When turning off, only settings that have been altered will be shown.

Javascript enbled in report (Better looking, but slower with large reports)

The plugin used JQuery and the Datatables Javascript libraries. With these the reports looks much better, however, on very large reports these libraries take some time and you might run into a warning that the script is running to long.
Disabling the these Javascript libraries increases the time for the browser to render the report much.

Use online HTML Javascript and CSS

This options determines whether the plugin uses the embedded JavaScript and CSS files or downloads them from the internet.
Advantage of the embedded files is stability and loading speed. Further you do not need a internet connection to show the page properly.
Disadvantage of local files is that when you copy the report to a different computer, the required Javascript and CSS file will not be found and the layout will be poor.

Show results upon finish

This setting controls whether the plug-in automatically opens the report upon finishing in your browser, or not.

Use cases

One use case is listing all the develop adjustments you made to an image when writing a blog or article.

Please share your use cases with us:  contact form

Quick guide

Using the plug-in is very straightforward:

  1. Menu -> Help -> Plug-in Extras
  2. Select the "Create report" option from "Photo settings Viewer"
  3. Select the options from the dialog

The report will open in your default browser (Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome)
This may take a little time the first time.

Lightroom plug-in - Preset Viewer

Configuration options

In the "Configuration" tab of the Plug-in manager you can set the default for the options of the plug-in.
The options you find here are identical as of those described above in the Features / options paragraph.

Configuration screen

This is a donationware product. To unlock the full functionality the author requests that you make a donation to support future development.

Payments may be made via Credit Card or PayPal, and are securely processed via our payment partner - Paddle.

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