Change LogVersion 2.93, 19 October 2024- Update for the Lightroom 14 change of log folder
Version 2.92, August 18, 2022- The HTML file with the processing information is from now on also written to the LrClassicLogs folder.
Version 2.91, October 24, 2020- Adobe Lightroom bug mentioned in the previous version has been fixed and the workaround is disabled for all version above 10.0
- Workaround for a new bug in Adobe Lightroom SDK: all panels are turned of when applying a preset from a plug-in, see
Version 2.90, October 2, 2020- Workaround for a bug in the Lightroom 9.3, see
Version 2.80, April 25, 2020- Fix the log cleanup due to change of the Lightroom classic version 9 of the log location: documents/LrClassicLogs
Version 2.71, May 3, 2019- Minor fix to the output html file.
Version 2.70, April 26, 2019- New feature request: added option to ignore difference in Process version (handle with care, default off).
Version 2.60, March 4, 2019- Fix exposure: since the new XML schema usage of the Lightroom SDK, only valid values are allowed. For exposure when you want to apply 50% you have to specify 0.50 instead of 50 in the preset.
Version 2.55, March 1, 2019Version 2.50, February 22, 2019- Removal workaround Adobe Lightroom SDK bug, see version 2.25. This bug is fixed in Lighroom 8.2.
Version 2.40, January 14, 2019- Bug fix: on MacOs Safari will no open the html file when the path contains spaces.
Version 2.30, October 17, 2018- Update for Lightroom Classic CC 8
Version 2.28, August 27, 2018- Workaround for a bug in the SDK version 7.5, see
- The separator lines are returned as folders.
Version 2.27, August 13, 2018- Bug fix for the temperature settings.
- See FAQs: How to create a Tint or Temporature only preset.
- HTML links upgraded to httpS.
Version 2.27, August 9, 2018- Additional workaround for the temperature and tint settings.
- See FAQ: How to create a Tint or Temporature only preset.
Version 2.25, August 8, 2018- Bugfix: when the previously used preset was delete, then the plug-in halted without notification.
- Due to the bug described below, had to create a workaround for the temporature and tint settings.
- Workaround for a bug Adobe introduced with the conversion of the presets to XML format in version 7.3, see
Version 2.20, July 13, 2018- New feature: the plug-in remembers your previous preset choice
Version 2.15, July 13, 2018- New: menu options also in File -> Plug-in Extras
- Workaround for a bug Adobe introduced with the conversion of the presets to XML format in version 7.3, see
- Bug fix: when only one photo is processed now the correct photo name is shown above the table
Version 2.10, October 21, 2016- Compatiblility with Lightroom classic
- Added new Process version
Version 2.00, Februari 25, 2017- Added welcome screen to plug-in manager with link to product page
- Complete overhaul of the web report
- Feature added: disable JavaScript with large reports
- Small optimizations
Version 1.92, September 23, 2016- Minor update: added explanatory text for the "Check for invalid values" option.
- Minor fix: the log file is not shown if the user cancels the plug-in.
Version 1.91, September 22, 2016- Minor update: added performance statistics to the log file.
Version 1.90, February 27, 2016 - Workaround for bug in Lightroom SDK. When using the plug-in after you have applied Auto-Tone to a lot of photos, you should use the new option "Check for invalid values".
- New feature: inverse calculation when original photo value has negative value.
Version 1.80, February 2, 2016 Version 1.70, September 12, 2014- Bug fix: relative settings could not applied be on original photos.
Version 1.65, Juli 5, 2014- Minor bug-fix default settings.
Version 1.60, February 13, 2014- Small bug fixes in message.
Version 1.55, February 7, 2014- Fix of small translations errors.
- Small bug fixes.
- Message of using the correct has option to not show it again.
- Advice: better leave the message on.
Version 1.50, January 24, 2014- Added option to hide unchanged photo settings in the listing.
- Translations improvements.
- Small bug fixes.
Version 1.40, January 18, 2014Version 1.36, January 6, 2014- Check for using the Virtual copy functionality in the right modules / views.
- See remark for 1.2.
Version 1.35, January 6, 2014- Better translations support.
Version 1.3, January 1, 2014- Fixed broken download link.
- Fixed broken check for updates.
- Small bug fixes.
Version 1.2, January 1, 2014- Due to a bug in Lightroom, a test program is added for determining in which views the "Create virtual copy" functionality works fine.
- See the plug-in menu option "Test Virtual copy".
- For more information open the "Known error" link.
Version 1.1, December 30, 2013Version 1.0, December 28, 2013