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Q: Does LR/Enfuse work with Lightroom 3?
A: Yes.

Q: When I try to install the Enfuse and align_image_stack applications I'm told to run Lightroom as an administrator. What's going on?
A: LR/Enfuse tries to install the applications inside the plugin's folder, however some Windows 7 configurations don't appear to allow this. To solve the issue you should quit Lightroom, right-click on it's icon and choose "Run as administrator". You only need to do this to install the applications - afterwards you may continue to run Lightroom normally.

Alternatively, you can download the applications manually (see below), place them wherever you prefer and point Lightroom at them.

Q: Can I download the Enfuse and align_image_stack applications from your site manually?
A: Yes:

Q: I get the error "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect". What's up?
A: Not all PC configurations are compatible with the multi-processor support offered by Enfuse. You may be able to solve this by installing this Microsoft package, or simply by using the single processor version instead.

Q: Where does LR/Enfuse store the Enfuse and align_image_stack applications when it downloads them?
A: Inside the plugin folder itself. Deleting the plugin will therefore also delete the applications.

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