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Snapshotter Plug-In Extras menu item

When you open the File menu's Plug-In Extras sub-menu, a new Create Snapshot(s) from Images menu item will be available.  This will allow you to create develop snapshots for all currently selected photos. If you are a Windows user you will also be able to open this sub-menu using a keyboard shortcut. For Lightroom 3 it is the Alt + F, then S, then N key sequence.  Starting with Lightroom 4 it has changed to the Alt + F, then U, then Enter, then N key sequence. 

Main Dialog

Snapshotter plugin main dialog (tokens mode)

The main dialog has two modes of operation that you choose between using the Name Using radio buttons.

  1. Tokens allows you to manually specify the fields and text that will be used to define the snapshot name for each photo processed. The set of tokens can be saved as a Preset.
  2. Preset allows you to select from previous names you saved while in Tokens mode.

Both modes of operation have some common elements:

  • The dialog title indicates the number of photos for which snapshots are to be created, and if any volume limitations are in place due to the plugin being unregistered
  • An example of the resultant snapshot name (with variables substituted) is provided below the selected tokens or preset.
  • Status information indicates if any selected items will not have snapshots created and the reason why.
  • Virtual Copies Only? checkbox to toggle whether snapshots will only be created for images that are virtual copies.
  • ? (question mark) button to open this dialog's help file in your default browser.
  • OK and Cancel buttons to start or abort creation of snapshots, respectively.

In Token mode the dialog also allows you to:

  • Manually enter the name to be used when creating the snapshot.  It accepts the following variables that will be replaced with the value for the current image.

    Token Description
    {ColorLabel} The photo's color-label string.
    {CopyName} Name of the copy (master or virtual) being exported, if any.
    {CroppedDimensions} The dimensions of the cropped image in the library; should match the exported width.
    {CroppedHeight} The height of the cropped image in the library; should match the exported height.
    {CroppedWidth} The width of the cropped image in the library; should match the exported width.
    {Cropped} Either "cropped" or "uncropped".
    {Rating} Number of stars, "0" through "5".
    {ampm} The current time's AM/PM designation.
    {d1} The current date in short system-local form
    {d2} The current date in medium system-local form
    {d3} The current date in long system-local form
    {date} The current date-of-month as a one- or two-digit string.
    {dd} The current date-of-month as a two-digit string.
    {hh12} The current time's hour in 12-hour notation, as a one- or two-digit string.
    {hh} The current time's hour in 24-hour notation, as a two-digit string.
    {min} The current time's minutes as a two-digit string.
    {mm} The current month as a two-digit string.
    {month} The current month as a string.
    {mon} The current month as a three-character string.
    {ss} The current time's seconds as a two-digit string.
    {t1} The current time in short system-local form
    {t2} The current time in long system-local form
    {yyyy} The current year as a four-digit string.
    {yy} The current year as a two-digit string.
  • Save the current snapshot name as a named preset, for use in the Preset mode. If this snapshot name is currently captured as a preset you will be able to Rename it instead.
  • Tokens popup menu to allow selection of the variables (tokens) to be used during snapshot naming. A description of the selected token is displayed below the popup menu. The Append button appends the selected variable (token) to the end of the snapshot name.

Snapshotter plugin main dialog (preset mode)

In Preset mode the dialog also allows you to:

  • Choose from the list of presets to select the name to be used when creating the snapshot.
  • Rename the currently selected preset. If the snapshot name active in Token mode has not yet been saved as a preset, you will be able to Save it as a named preset instead.
  • Delete the currently selected preset.

Please note that adding a snapshot to a virtual copy also adds the snapshot to the master photo as well.  This is a feature of Lightroom and is not configurable through the Lightroom preferences or the supplied SDK.

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