LR/GMail – Send your images via GMail directly from Lightroom 2

smalllr2gmailWe’ve just released the latest Lightroom 2 plug-in by Timothy Armes - LR/GMail.

This export plug-in will send exported images by email using your GMail account.

As an extra nicety, the addresses in your “My Contacts” group are downloaded from your Google account so that they can be offered automatically as you type into the To, Cc and Bcc fields.

The plug-in also tracks to whom you’ve send each photo, which may prove useful to your workflow.

There’s one caveat: the plug-in needs to connect to Google’s SMTP server to send emails, and this may not be possible if you’re behind a company firewall that prevents connections to SMTP servers.   You shouldn’t generally have any issues with personal firewalls though.

Posted in LR/GMail | 12 Comments

Get creative with LR/Mogrify v3 – Inner borders now supported

We’ve seen people produce some fairly impressive effects using our LR2/Mogrify plugin for Lightroom 2 and a little imagination.

The latest incarnation of this plugin should allow you even more freedom to experiment with your creativity.  Until now you’ve only been able to add borders to the outside of your images, but with version 3.00 you can now add borders to the inside too.  By playing with the opacity of each border you can produce some great effects.

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LR/Mogrify 2 v2.00 released, much happiness expected

We’ve released version 2.00 of our LR/Mogrify 2 plug-in for Lightroom, which should make quite a few of you happier…

The head-line news is that there’s now a compression feature that’ll automatically find the optimum JPEG compression value to produce the best quality image that’s no larger than the requested image size (including metadata).  This is very useful for uploading to web sites that limit the maximum file size.

But that’s not all….

Watermarks can now be scaled to the shortest or longest edge, which means they’ll be the same size on landscape and portrait images.

Annotations also receive this feature, and I’ve finally found a solution to the problems with annotations containing accented characters and such like.  You should now be able to add any text that you care to!

Finally, LR/Mogrify 2 will now elide any unnecessary punctuation that results from missing metadata. For example, if your template is “{city}, {state}, {country}” and state happens to be empty, you’d have “Paris, France” and not “Paris, , France”.

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Finding images listed in a text file using LR/Transporter

Victoria Bampton recently came to us with a problem facing a number of Lightroom users. It seems that many online ordering cart systems will provide a text file with a list of the files that the customer has chosen. Particularly for large orders like weddings, it can take a long time to manually select all of the images in Lightroom ready for ordering.

Version 4.00 of our LR/Transporter plug-in now addresses this problem by reading that text file and marking the files for you based on flexible filename matching rules. You can then find them again using the metadata filter. More details of the process can be seen in the quick guide.

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Exporting a folder hierarchy from Lightroom – LR/TreeExporter released

Those of you who have long wished to be able to export files from Lightroom while preserving the folder hierarchy (or tree) can now rejoice! We’ve just released a new plug-in, LR/TreeExporter, that does exactly this.

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LR/Blog – Version 1.20 adds Blogger support

As promised We’ve been working hard on the next version of LR/Blog. Compared to version 1.00 that we blogged about a few days ago, version 1.20 adds support for hosted Blogger blogs and for creating new posts directly from within Lightroom, thanks to a useful templating sytem.

You can read more in the quick guide.

Please keep your ideas and needs coming…

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LR/Blog – Export directly from Lightroom 2 to your Blog!

lr2blogLR/Blog is my latest export plug-in, allowing you to export your images from Lightroom directly to your blog. Hopefully it will simplify your blogging experience and save you a bit of time.

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Exporting KML files from Lightroom using LR/Transporter

LR/Transporter‘s ability to flexibly export metadata from Lightroom opens up all sorts of potential for those willing to invest a little time.

Bernhard Weichel contacted me a while ago to ask me if I’d add a couple of tokens to LR/Transporter so that he could use it to export KML files directly from Lightroom for importation into Google Maps. He blogged about his successful results last October and has now released his preset for general consumption.

(As an aside, note that LR/Transporter plays nicely with Jeffrey Friedl’s excellent Geotagging plugin. Use of the tokens for accessing the GPS data will first try to use the data stored by Jeffrey’s plugin and will fall back on the EXIF data in other cases).

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A nice watermarking technique using LR/Mogrify 2


With a little bit of thought LR/Mogrify 2 can be used to easily add all sorts of watermark effects to your images as they are exported from Lightroom 21.

For example, Ryan Rowell uses this plugin to produce a very nice result.

Another example comes from Cindy Lee. Cindy contacted me recently to ask if we could add a new feature to LR/Mogrify 2 to allow her to watermark her photos as shown in this example (click the image to see the full sized images on Cindy’s site).

“No need” we said, it can do that already!

To do something like this using LR/Mogrify 2 is actually quite simple.  Cindy created the transparent bar and logo combination in Photoshop and then places this watermark at the bottom right of the exported photos.  A vertical offset is used to move it up a bit.

To ensure that the bar covers the width of the photo the watermark should be at least as wide as the largest image that you’re going to export.  The watermark is aligned on the right hand side so that the logo is correctly positioned.  The left side of the bar gets chopped of by LR/Mogrify 2.

Then, the text annotation is placed at bottom center, and a vertical offset is used to move it up so that the text within the bar.

Finally a thin black border is placed around the image.

I’d love to see other cool examples.  If you’re using LR/Mogrify 2 then please feel free to post a link to your results in the comments.

  1. You’ll need to use the orignal LR/Mogrify 1 if you’re still using Lightroom 1.x []
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LR/Enfuse for Interiors

_mg_9224blendedYou may have seen the me mention this photo in a previous post. The shot is taken using ambient light only, and yet everything is well exposed from the forground table right through to the back of the room. Normally we would expect most of the room to fall into shadow due to the high constrast difference between the window-lit table and the shaded corridor; so how was this avoided?

Well, it was easy actually.  I took several shots at different exposures and then blended them together directly from within Lightroom using my LR/Enfuse plugin.

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